4 Tips for Easy Sliding Door Cleaning

4 Tips for Easy Sliding Door Cleaning

Sliding patio doors are both beautiful and easy to use. But after a while, you’ll need to request a quick tune-up once you begin to have difficulty closing and opening your doors. Dirty rollers are the usual culprit behind hard-to-operate sliding doors. That’s why regular cleaning is an essential routine for these doors.

4 Tips for Easy Sliding Door Cleaning

Renewal by Andersen® of New Jersey-New York Metro shares tips for a hassle-free sliding patio door maintenance.

Regularly Vacuum the Tracks

Simply wiping the tracks won’t cut it. You should vacuum the sill tracks regularly to avoid dirt build-up. A pro tip you should follow is refraining from sweeping dirt out the patio door so it doesn’t accumulate in the tracks.

Use Non-Abrasive Cleaners

Don’t use abrasive cleaners, scouring pads or sandpaper in buffing or shining the vinyl frame or to remove marks. It will only cause damage to the frame or worsen the small scratches on your door frame. Allow the professionals to handle such repairs.

Schedule Regular Inspection

The best maintenance method you should follow is scheduling regular inspections for your sliding or French doors. You’ll become more aware about the condition of your sliding door and rest assured it will keep working exactly as it should.

Refrain From Aggressive Glass Cleaning

Never use a power washer or high-pressure hose in cleaning your sliding door glass. It would compromise its integrity. Using non-chemical cleaning agents and a soft cloth is enough for wiping dirt and stains away.

Renewal by Andersen of New Jersey-New York Metro offers excellent patio doors and energy-efficient windows. We’re here for all the stages your sliding patio door goes through and we’re ready to provide service every time. Call us today at (866) 609-5033 for more information. You can also fill out our contact form to get a free project estimate. We provide roofing services to residents in Hillsborough, New Jersey.

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